
Water Supply

  1. Application for re-connection for companies/legal entities / for individual persons
  2. Application for account transfer for companies/legal entities / for individual persons
  3. Application for water supply disconnection for companies / by the owner or the tenant
  4. Application for Deposit Refund
  5. Application to issue certificates for the department of Lands and Surveys for companies/legal entities  / for individual persons
  6. Application for direct debit mandate / Standing order for automatic bill settlement for companies/legal entities  / for individual persons
  7. Application for a refund of the guarantee for the construction of a protective cabinet/locker of water meters
  8. E-bill
  9. Application for revision of the water bill due to an underground leakage
  10. Application for water supply system installation in plot divisions
  11. Application for inclusion in the category Large Families
  12. Application for water supply
  13. Application for consumer integration in the industrial category
  14. Application for inclusion in the domestic charge category

Sewerage Supply

  1. Application to change sewerage billing information
  2. Application for an additional connection
  3. Application for the construction of sewerage system for plot division
  4. Application for Construction
  5. Application for the indication of a House Connection Point for a plot
  6. Application for Sewerage Bill Settlement by Standing Order
  7. Application to issue certificates for the department of Lands and Surveys for companies/legal entities  / for individual persons

Planning and Building Supply

All Planning and Building Applications, are received through Ippodamos Platform

Printable Forms

  1. Special Power of Attorney for issuing a certificate regarding the transfer of property at the Department of Land and Surveys
  2. Owner’s Consent
  3. Application for an additional connection
  4. Application for construction
  5. Consumer details